About Me

Welcome to Foodie In Fat Pants.

This store was created by someone who just wants to share their passion and positive vibes with the world.  Their quest to attain abs is forever foiled by the fact that they will forever be a foodie to the core.  An over-indulgence in tacos and boba pose a challenge to their weight loss goals.  Combined with their love of food, they also have a love for Canadian politics, humour and true crime.  They can be found either binging on true crime shows, stuffing their face with tacos and boba, or chilling out with their favourite K-Pop songs on repeat.  

That's what this store is about:  Love, Passion & Chill Vibes.  Hoping you were able to find something here that could put you in the same mood.  Let's vibe together with some fun apparel and accessories.

Thank you for stopping by.  Hope to see you back soon.

Foodie In Fat Pants